Memories and gmail…

Below is something I wrote in 2009 and at that time, this was how I was feeling. I still feel this way and probably always will. Just thought it needed to be said again. Although… there might be some hesitation even on my part to bring the group you will read about below back together. But regardless of that… we had fun doing what we were doing when we did it and that will never change…

So what ever happened to those daily emails that we all used to send each other? Ya know the ones that put a smile on your face and the ones that helped pass the time during a painfully slow work day?? You know which ones I’m talking about… the ones with opening lines like, “it’s Friday slut bags” and subjects like “In case you’re thinking about a Brazilian Wax”? What ever happened to them and more importantly why did we stop sending them??

These are the questions that have been rattling my brain for the past 3 hours. It started off as a simple task of cleaning out my email. I know Gmail claims that you never have to delete a message again, but do I really need to save the email from United Airlines about my upcoming trip to Dulles from 2006?? Probably not. This online cleaning spree led to me going through a folder I named “The Usuals”.  This of course was short for The Usual Suspects, a group of girl friends who did everything together. From daily emails, to trips to the mall, to painting pottery on birthdays, we were a foursome who was always there for one another. Sure, we let others in from time to time to par take in our silly parties and shopping sprees but The Usual Suspects really just consisted of the four of us. The Usuals, used each other for a good laugh, a shoulder to cry on, and more importantly just as friends. We told each other pretty much everything no matter the subject matter and expected nothing but the honest to god truth in response. Now when I say the truth I mean this… who else would leave you messages that said, “note to self: stop being a slut”, “Thursday = Bad Hair Day”, “Shameless Recital Plug, not Rectal Plug”, and my favorite “ps. did you tell everyone that I thought this pottery thing was going to be like ghost and I could sit behind you and we could make beautiful love…I mean bowls together.” We were Friends.

The reality of it was that we had all grown apart and grew up.  Sure, we all still speak to each but now it’s mostly through IMs, Tweets, and Facebook statuses.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, ladies, if you are out there… and you all know who you are… let’s bring back those emails and the occasional get together (I say occasional because now that some of us are living on different coasts, it’s hard to get together regularly).  Because we all know that we could use a few emails about WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THAT BOX OF TURDS I GAVE YOU FOR CHRISTMAS?

*note… the bolded words are actual the text taken from REAL emails.